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Variables in R Programming

Definition: Temporary Storage Space where you can keep changing values  Rules: Letters, number, underline & Dots combination allowed. The variable name starts with a letter or the dot not followed by a number. Example: x1.-> Valid x_2%-> Invalid, it has % symbol 2_x-> Invalid, Starts with number .x_1-->Valid, Can start with a dot(.) but the dot(.)should not be followed by a number .2x--> Invalid, after dot number should not come _x_1--> Starts with _ which is not valid Output in R Console: x1.<-1  x_2%<-2 Error: unexpected input in "x_2%<-2" 2_x<-3 Error: unexpected input in "2_" .x_1<-4 .2x<-5 Error: unexpected symbol in ".2x" _x_1<-6 Error: unexpected input in "_"